Academic Calendar

Dhananjayrao Gadgil Institute of Cooperative Management, Nagpur

Proposed Calender of Training Programmes for the Year 2020-2021

Sl. No.Title of the ProgrammeTarget GroupDurationDateCoordinator S/Shri.
ALong Term Programmes 
1MBA – (11th Batch)Fresh Graduates 2 Years13-08-201812-08-2020Dr. N. Ganesan
2MBA – (12th Batch)Fresh Graduates 2 Years18-09-201917-09-2021Dr. Ashish Joshi
3MBA – (13th Batch)Fresh Graduates 2 YearsAug. 2020Aug. 2022Manoj Jagnade
4Higher Diploma in Cooperative Management                          (46thSession) CorrespondanceFresh Gradutes from any Recognised Universities, Working personnel from Cooperative Banks, Institutions like Fishery, Dairy, Marketing, Consumer, Labour and Industrial Cooperatives (Minimum Qualification must be any Degree from Recognised Universities)26 Weeks11-06-202009-12-2020 R D Jadhav
5Higher Diploma in Cooperative Management                          (47thSession) CorrespondanceFresh Gradutes from any Recognised Universities, Working personnel from Cooperative Banks, Institutions like Fishery, Dairy, Marketing, Consumer, Labour and Industrial Cooperatives (Minimum Qualification must be any Degree from Recognised Universities)26 Weeks13-08-202010-02-2021Aman Deep
BShort Term Programmes
 April 2020
1Basics of Computer FundamentalsStaff of Cooperative Banks/Institutions3 Days15-04-202017-04-2020Aman Deep
2Management Development Programme (Out Station)Chairman/BODs/CEOs and Officers of Urban Cooperative Banks3 Days16-04-202018-04-2020 B Vasantha Naik
3Leadership Development Programme (Out Station)Chairman/BODs/CEOs and Officers of Urban Cooperative Banks3 Days22-04-202024-04-2020Dr. N. Ganesan
4Credit Appraisal, Documentation, Recovery & NPA ManagementOfficers/Staff of Cooperative Banks3 Days27-04-202029-04-2020R D Jadhav
 May 2020
5Management Development Programme (Out Station)Chairman/BODs/CEOs and Officers of Urban Cooperative Credit Societies3 Days04-05-202006-05-2020Aman Deep
6Effective Management using ASK Model BODs of Urban Cooperative Banks3 Days13-05-202015-05-2020Dr. N. Ganesan
7Practical Banking Officials of Cooperative Banks/Credit Cooperative Institutions3 Days15-05-202017-05-2020Aman Deep
8MDP on Decision Marketing and Conflict Management  ResolutionSenior Officers of Cooperative Banks3 Days18-05-202020-05-2020R D Jadhav
9Orientation Programme Certified Auditors of Maharashtra State                 (Vidarbha & Marathwada Regions)3 Days27-05-202029-05-2020B Vasantha Naik
 June 2020
10Induction Training Programme Newly Recruited Clerks/ Assistants of Cooperative Banks 3 Days03-06-202005-06-2020Aman Deep
11Know Your Customer (KYC) E-KYC, AML Act & Customer protectionOfficers/Staff of Cooperative Banks3 Days08-06-202010-06-2020R D Jadhav
12Workshop on Agri-StartupMembers of FPOs1 Day12-06-2020_Dr. N. Ganesan
13Personality Development Staff of Cooperative Institutions3 Days18-06-202020-06-2020Aman Deep
14Management Developement Programme Newly Elected Chairman/ BODs of Cooperative Institutions2 Days27-06-202028-06-2020B Vasantha Naik
15Detection and Prevention of Cyber Frauds in BanksOfficers/Staff of Cooperative Banks2 Days29-06-202030-06-2020Dr. N. Ganesan
 July 2020
16Goods and Services Tax (GST)Startups and Enterpreneurs1 Day03-07-2020_Aman Deep
17Induction Training Programme First Time Promoted Branch Managers of DCCBs/UCBs3 Days06-07-202008-07-2020B Vasantha Naik
18Emerging Issues in KYC/e-KYC/AMLOfficers of Urban Cooperative Banks2 Days09-07-202010-07-2020Dr. N. Ganesan
19Auditing in Computerized Environment-ChallengesOfficials of Cooperative Audit and Cooperative Banks3 Days15-07-202017-07-2020Dr. N. Ganesan
20Cyber Crime and Prevention of Frauds in CooperativesOfficials of Cooperative Banks2 Days20-07-202021-07-2020Aman Deep
21Programme on Bank Marketing Services Secretaries of Cooperative Urban Credit Societies3 Days22-07-202024-07-2020R D Jadhav
22Bank Branch Management Managers/Officers  of UCBs3 Days27-07-202029-07-2020B Vasantha Naik
 August 2020 
23 Productivity and Profiatability  of Cooperative BanksOfficers of Cooprative Banks3 Days03-08-202005-08-2020R D Jadhav
24Latest Trands in Technology, Management Practices and Opportunities in BankngSenior Managers of DCCBs and SCB and UCBs2 Days06-08-202007-08-2020Dr. N. Ganesan
25Programme on Soft Skills and personality Development  Officers/Staff of Cooperative Institutions3 Days10-08-202012-08-2020R D Jadhav
26Management Information System(MIS)Officers of UCBs2 Days13-08-202014-08-2020Aman Deep
27Workshop on Role & Responsibilities Vehicle Drivers of Cooperative Institutions1 Day17-08-2020_Dr. N. Ganesan
28Interpersonal Relationship and Team Building Emplyees of Cooperative Organizations3 Days19-08-202021-08-2020R D Jadhav
29Workshop on How to conduct Meetings, Recording Minutes, writting Meeting Proceedings BODs/CEOs of Cooperative Banks1 Day24-08-2020_B Vasantha Naik
 September 2020
30Money Lending Act.Officers of Cooperative Department (GoM)3 Days02-09-202004-09-2020R D Jadhav
31Stress and Time ManagementOfficers/Staff of Cooperative Banks3 Days07-09-202009-09-2020B Vasantha Naik
32Digital PaymentsOfficers of Cooperative Banks2 Days10-09-202011-09-2020Aman Deep
33Legal Aspects of BankingOfficials of Cooperative Banks2 Days14-09-202015-09-2020R D Jadhav
34Management Developement Programme  Elected/Nominated SC/ST/Women, BODs of Cooperative Institutions2 Days21-09-202022-09-2020R D Jadhav
35Leadership Development Programmes (Out Station)Chairman/BODs/CEOs and Officers of Cooperative Banks3 Days23-09-202025-09-2020B Vasantha Naik
36Workshop on Recent RBI Circulars/ RCS Notifications and Recent Amendments in Cooperatives LawOfficers of Cooperative Banks1 Day25-09-2020_Dr. N. Ganesan
37Recovery ManagementOfficers/Staff of Recover Section of Cooperative Banks3 Days28-09-202030-09-2020R D Jadhav
 October 2020
38NPA & Recovery ManagementOfficers/Staff of Cooperative Banks3 Days05-10-202007-10-2020Aman Deep
39Non-Fund Business & Cross Selling in Cooperative BanksOfficers/Staff of Cooperative Banks2 Days08-10-202009-10-2020B Vasantha Naik
40 Acounting and Finance Officers and staff of Cooperative Institutions3 Days08-10-202010-10-2020R D Jadhav
41E-Banking/ Cards & Payment SystemsOfficials of Cooperative Banks3 Days12-10-202014-10-2020Dr. N. Ganesan
42Tax Deduction  at Source and GSTOfficials of Cooperative Organizations2 Days15-10-202016-10-2020Dr. N. Ganesan
43Credit Appraisal, Documentation & Recovery ManagementSecretaries/Recovery Staff of Urban Credit Cooperative Societies 3 Days19-10-202021-10-2020R D Jadhav
44Management Development Programme (Out Station)Chairman and BoDs  of APMCs3 Days19-10-202021-10-2020Aman Deep
45Entrepreneurship Development in Agri-Start upCEO’s of Cooperative Banks,  NGOs and FPOs  3 Days27-10-202029-10-2020Dr. N. Ganesan
 November 2020
46Workshop on Doubling of Farmers IncomeOfficers of DCCBanks2 Days02-11-202003-11-2020Dr. N. Ganesan
47Credit Appraisal, Documentation & Recovery ManagementOfficers/Staff of Cooperative Banks3 Days04-11-202006-11-2020B Vasantha Naik
48Management Development Programme (Out Station)Chairman/BODs/CEOs of APMCs & Marketing Cooperatives3 Days05-11-202007-11-2020Aman Deep
49Leaderarship Devolpoment programme   Women Chairperson/Directors of Urban  Cooperative Banks and Credit Cooperative Societies3 Days23-11-202025-11-2020R D Jadhav
50Management of Housing Cooperatives Chairman/BODs/CEOs and Officers of Housing Cooperatives3 Days25-11-202027-11-2020R D Jadhav
51Leadership Development Programmes (Out Station)Chairman/BODs/CEOs and Officers of Cooperative Banks3 Days25-11-202027-11-2020B Vasantha Naik
 December 2020 
52 Legal Aspects of BankingOfficials of Cooperative Banks3 Days02-12-202004-12-2020Dr. N. Ganesan
53Investment and Treasury ManagementOfficers of Urban Cooperative Banks3 Days07-12-202009-12-2020R D Jadhav
54Capacity Building                       (Personality Developement)Sub Staff of Cooperative Banks(DCCBs,UCBs & SCBs)2 Days10-12-202011-12-2020B Vasantha Naik
55E- Governance, E-Tendering,                    E-Stamping and E-ProcurementOfficials of Cooperative Departments3 Days14-12-202016-12-2020Dr. N. Ganesan
56Programme on Customer Relationship Management Clerical Staffl of Cooperative Banks2 Days17-12-202018-12-2020R D Jadhav
57Recent Amendments and Court Judgements Relating to CooperativesOfficials of Cooperative Departments3 Days21-12-202023-12-2020Dr. N. Ganesan
58Practical Banking Officials of Cooperative Banks/Credit Cooperative Institutions2 Days28-12-202029-12-2020R D Jadhav
59Leadership Development                     (Out Station)BOD of Urban Cooperative Banks3 Days28-12-202030-12-2020Aman Deep
 January 2021 
60Management of Dairy Cooperatives (Out Station)Secretaries of Dairy Cooperatives 3 Days06-01-202108-01-2021Aman Deep
61Management of Agriculural  Marketing CooperativesOfficials of Agriculture  Marketing Coopratives3 Days06-01-202108-01-2021R D Jadhav
62Digital Banking Dealing Officials of Cooperative Banks3 Days11-01-202113-01-2021Aman Deep
63Auditing in Computerized Environment Officials of Cooperative Audit and Cooperative Banks3 Days18-01-202120-01-2021Dr. N. Ganesan
64Management of Self-Help GroupsMemebrs/Promoters of SHG’s3 Days20-01-202122-01-2021Aman Deep
65Leadership Development Programmes (Out Station)Chairman/BODs/CEOs and Officers of Cooperative Banks3 Days21-01-202123-01-2021B Vasantha Naik
66Audit, Inspection and Enquiry Officers of Cooperative Banks/Institutions3 Days21-01-202123-01-2021R D Jadhav
67Workshop on Human Values for Cooperative Organisational Excellence Official and Non-official Leaders of Cooperatives1 Day29-01-2021_B Vasantha Naik
 February 2021
68Management of Fisheries CooperativesChairman/BODs/CEOs of Fisheries Cooperatives2 Days01-02-202102-02-2021Aman Deep
69Asset Liability Management (ALM)Officers of Cooperative Banks3 Days03-02-202105-02-2021Dr. N. Ganesan
70Accounting through Using TallyOfficials of Non-Agricultural Cooperatives3 Days08-02-202110-02-2021Dr. N. Ganesan
71Leadership Development                                        (Out Station)Chairman/BODs of Urban Cooperative Banks3 Days15-02-202117-02-2021Dr. N. Ganesan
72Sales Promotion and Management Staff/Executives  of Marketing Cooperatives2 Days18-02-202119-02-2021R D Jadhav
March 2021
73Cooperative Goverance Chairman/BoDs/CEOs of Urban/Employees Credit Cooperaive Societies3 Days03-03-202105-03-2021B Vasantha Naik
74Orientation Training for the Recovery Personnel of CooperativesRecovery Personnel of Urban Banks & Credit Cooperatives3 Days08-03-202110-03-2021R D Jadhav
75Women EmpowermentChair person/Women Directors of Cooperatives (UCBs & Urban Credit Cooperatives)2 Days15-03-202117-03-2021Dr. N. Ganesan

Dhananjayrao Gadgil Institute of Cooperative Management, Nagpur

Proposed Training Programmes Under SOFTCOB, NABARD for the Year 2020-2021

Sl. No.Name of the ProgrammesTarget GroupDuration No. of programmes proposed
1How to do the existing business better in the post reform scenarioPACS Secretaries4 Days4
2Self sustenance through improved Governance and Management of ResourcesPACS Board Members2 Days2
3CAS-MISPACS Secretaries3 Days2
4Business Development PlanPACS Secretaries3 Days2
5Developing PACS into Multipurpose SocietiesPACS Secretaries3 Days2
6Know your Customer, Prevention of Money Laundering and Customer ProtectionBr. Managers / Asstt. Managers/ Officers of DCCBs3 Days4
7Preparation of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss AccountBr. Managers / Officers of DCCBs3 Days4
8Asset and Liability ManagementOfficers of DCCBs4 Days2
 Total Programmes Under SOFTCOB  22